C. Vonzale Lewis
I was born in Georgia but please don’t mistake me for a Georgia peach. I’m more like a prickly pear. Speaking of being born, someone asked me recently if I remember my birth. And I have to say, yes, I do remember that handsy doctor pulling me out into the cold. Right Bastard!!!
Despite being born in the South, I grew up in the North. California to be exact. Every once in a great while we get to experience all four seasons. But mostly, it’s just heat. You should see our electric bill in the summer! I like the beaches, but not the sand. I enjoy being outside, but the sun gets on my nerves. Does it really need to send its death ray to a single spot on my skin! (I told you I was a prickly pear) And don’t get me started on the traffic.
The first part of my life, I worked in customer service. This line of work led to the discovery of my favorite drink, or, rather, several favorite drinks. I could list the many concoction but that would go on forever!
Needless to say, it wasn’t an easy job. But I did enjoy talking with people. And when it came time to develop my characters, I drew on those experiences.
I have a degree in Fashion Design. Don’t ask. The only thing I gained from those wasted two years of my life, is being introduced to the love of my life, Bobby. He is truly my rock.

So...why do I write?
Well my first book, LINEAGE, answered the question, “What does the big boss actually do all day?” I might have gone a little dark with my answer, but it was fun answering the question. But mainly, I love writing because it gives me power to create. And it also gives me the power to fix this broken world.
Truthfully, I’ve always loved the written word and the way a good book could take you to another place and time. Instead of hanging out in the lunchroom, I would go to the library and create stories or bury my head in a really good book.

Yes! Okay, I’ll be honest, I really want to write every day. But sadly, I don’t. There really isn’t a sufficient excuse so I won’t try to make one. Yet, when I do write, I go full throttle. The words take over and when I do eventually look up from my notebook or computer, the hours have flown by. Still, I really should write every single day.
I completed my first book, LINEAGE, in thirty days! Yes, an amazing feat. Now how long did it take me to polish it? Well, years. And I’m glad I took the time to get it right.
Now this is a tricky question. I never just sit down and start writing. My mind has to be preoccupied with other things before inspiration strikes. But once it does, ohhh boy, I can write, get up and do other things, sit down and write some more…you get the picture.
Books, books, everywhere. And don’t get me started on the bins full of notebooks. Or the abundance of pens that will probably dry out before I ever get around to using them. As for my desk, the same one my mother bought me when I was in high school, all I need is a lamp and my computer. And Chap stick, of course!
OMG!! Shall I make a list? Okay.
- Stephen King. Seriously, whose list isn’t he on???-
- Ilona Andrews. This husband and wife writing team are superheroes!
- Dean Koontz. Yes, he makes the top ten!
- Anne Rice. Still upset about that movie adaptation of Queen of the Damned!
- Vicki Pettersson. My girl can write some epic stories!
- Patricia Briggs. One day I hope to write with her level of depth!
Okay, I will stop there. But, seriously folks, the list could go on for days!
If I have to pick only one, Columbo. Why do they even TRY to pull one over on Columbo? Don’t they realize he will have, “just one more thing” until they finally crack and confess?
Umm…again only one? The Princess Bride. I can watch that movie over and over again.
Seriously? Reading! And I do like binge watching shows. That way I don’t have to wait to get to the end. I find myself doing that with books, too. I will stack up an entire series and then spend a week DEVOURING them!!
Notebook, pen, music, and absolutely no social media. Along with a glass of tea, coffee in the morning, and I’m all set.
Yes, you have to know where you’re going in order to get there.
Inspiration usually strikes when I’m ready to get some sleep. She’s in a different time zone. Seriously, objects, words, situations. Yes, I know that sounds strange, but my mind is a wondrous thing. I can see a rock and create a whole story out of it.
Yes, my writing partners do. Before I was afraid to show my raw ideas to anyone. Now I flaunt those raw ugly words around like nobody’s business!
Ignore all advice! Seriously, I have found, AFTER I finished writing my first book, that there is copious amounts of advice out there for new writers. Surprise, surprise, I was able to complete my first book without it. And you can too! Most writing advice is filled with the pet peeves of others. So, to answer your question. Read. Fill your head with the written word. Write. Put those ideas down on paper. Figure out the rest once you’re done. If you spend all your time looking for the magic formula, you will never finish a book. THERE IS NO MAGIC FORMULA. And anyone who tells you there is, is a snake oil salesman.
Ohh, I see we’ve moved on to the challenge round! First and foremost. FINISH THE ENTIRE BOOK! Then, after I have spent hours pouring out my heart and soul, I put that newly written masterpiece away and work on something else, or catch up on my reading. Once a month or two or six has gone by, I pull that bad boy out and scream, “WHAT THE HELL???” After I’ve finished screaming, I print the book out, and get to work reading every single word. I may scream again, but by the end of it, the page is covered in red.
Stephen King (like I’ve said above, whose list isn’t he on??) because of the depth and ability to create unforgettable characters. Anne Rice, because of her infusion of history. I would also put Ilona Andrews in the same category. Dean Koontz, because, seriously, his words just take me there. I’ve always wanted to master their talents. As for the books: The Odd Thomas series, Watchers, The Christopher Snow books, and Lightening by Dean Koontz, The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, and Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.
Yes, my husband told me it was time to put up or shut up. I had waited long enough. I had polished the hell out of my story, and it was past time I…put up or shut up. LOL!
Ignore all advice! Seriously, I have found, AFTER I finished writing my first book, that there is copious amounts of advice out there for new writers. Surprise, surprise, I was able to complete my first book without it. And you can too! Most writing advice is filled with the pet peeves of others. So, to answer your question. Read. Fill your head with the written word. Write. Put those ideas down on paper. Figure out the rest once you’re done. If you spend all your time looking for the magic formula, you will never finish a book. THERE IS NO MAGIC FORMULA. And anyone who tells you there is, is a snake oil salesman.
Huh? LOL! One day, you too, can be good with those book learning words!
I’ve never had writers block. But I have been lazy. There is no way for me to have writers block, MY MIND NEVER SHUTS UP!
When I worked in a call center, we use to get visits from the big bosses in the company. Being the sarcastic person I am, I once asked: “Just what the hell do they do all day?” My answer: Sacrifice people. Yeah, I went dark. But like I said, I have a problem with sarcasm.