A Career in Madness: The Life of An Author


No truer words have ever been spoken!


That might have been a bit of a stretch. There have been many words spoken that have been true but having spent the last two weeks consumed with edits for Zealot, I am feeling EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE WORDS!

It is a scary thing to send your work out into the world. To give others the opportunity to either love or hate what you’ve spent so much time creating. No story is for everyone. But you do hope that enough people will love yours.

I wrote Zealot in the year we shall not name. That year was more than a little challenging for all of us. But inside my tiny bubble, I felt lost. Friends came and went. The world held its collective breath worrying about what’s to come, and in the midst of it all I was able to put a little over 80,000 words on the page that needed so much work. To say I was not happy with my first draft would be an understatement. It was incoherent and I sunk so deeply into a pit of worry over whether or not I would be able to get it to where it needed to be. Thankfully, my friend, I had some awesome support along the way!

Now, over a year later, the second book in my Blood and Sacrifice series is finally done. Has gone through all editing rounds and sits at over 140,000 words, ready to make its appearance in the world on March 22, 2022.

Am I happy with it? Yes and No. As I writer you never truly are satisfied with what you’ve written. I could spend month after month trying to fine tune my words, the characters, the story, etc… But at some point, I have to let it go and hope that, as I said above, there are some out there who will love it.

And in three months, I will know. Until then, I shall get back into it and spend the next few months on book 3…Tribe.


Until we talk again,

Peace, love, and chocolate chip cookies!

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